Are mineral stones a healthy way to re-mineralize distilled water?

Distilled water can be re-mineralised with limestone or dolomite, because all distilled water contains dissolved carbon dioxide, and this dissolves limestone and dolomite to give calcium and magnesium hydrogen carbonates. These carbonate minerals will also remove sulphur dioxide from waters, and make distilled water more pleasant to drink.
There is not much point in buying or making distilled water and then adding minerals to it: you might as well purify (sterilise) your groundwater, assuming it is safe and free of harmful minerals such as arsenic, lead etc.

If you are thinking of using rainwater, this needs to be purified to remove viruses, bacteria, dust and pollution by very complex filtration, boiling, mineralisation and re-filtration before use, because your collection area may also collect bird mess, plant waste such as leaves, and will anyway have industrial, road and fuel pollution dissolved in it, such as sulphur dioxide, lubrication oil and tyre/tire rubber.