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Introduction to international relations (POL-406)


1. Introduction, Nature and Scope of International Relations; 

2. Approaches to the Study of International Relations: 

a) Realism 
b) Idealism (Liberalism) 
c) Behaviouralism 

3. Modern State System and Sovereignty; 

4. Doctrine of Power in International Relations: 

a) Elements of Power 
b) Balance of Power. 

5. National Interests in International Relations 

6. Concept of Nationalism; 

7. Concept of Diplomacy 

a). Status of diplomacy during cold war; 
b). Status of diplomacy in the post-cold war era; 
c). Status of diplomacy after 9/11.

8. Ideologies in the 21" century: 

a). Clash of civilization (Islam vs the West); 
b). End of History.




The discipline, studies the International actions among the states and more broadly the working of International system as a whole.

International relations have become vital for the whole humanity and are characterized by a high degree International action and the International dependence. A nation state cannot exist all alone and it plays a role of an "Individual of Primitive Past", who could not live without the help of other individuals.  


The term International was first used by “Jeromy Bentham" in the later part of Eighteen century with regards the laws of nation. There are two views regarding the meaning of International relations. 

Narrow View: 

International Relations are "The official relations conducted by the authorized leaders of states". 

Broader View: 

International Relations are "The official and unofficial relations by the officials and unofficial organizations fall within the domains of International relations".


It is the study of those topics which are related directly or indirectly with International sceneries which affect the world politics in any context. 

* According to Joseph Frankel: 

International relations is a new discipline which is more than a combination of studies of foreign affairs of various countries of International history, It also includes the study of International society as a whole and its institutions and processes. 

*According to Steve Chan: 

The international actions of those actors whose actions and conditions have important consequence on the political unit. 

Scope of International relations: 

In past International relations were concerned with the study of diplomatic history. After World War 1, It emphasis began to be laid on the study of International law. The study of International organizations and institutions of war as an instrument of state-craft and establishing of International relations. 


1. World is a global village: 

Now the world has become a global village. In past we were unaware from the matters of the other countries but now we are a part of this global village and we are aware from every change in the world. 

2. Dual Responsibility: 

We are the part of this global village, so as a citizen everyone naturally participate in the politics of the country and on the other hand he/she also takes interest in the world issues. 

3. Awareness of International Politics Style: 

International Politics includes the style of politics. For example politics of violence, politics of persuasion, hierarchical politics and pluralistic politics and the approaches to politics, realist politics and scientific politics. 

4. Study of International Economy: 

International economy deals with the International trade, regulations of International transactions, balance of payments, International economic institutions and financial conditions of developing countries. 

5. Awareness of World Market: 

Study of International relations also helped in the world market awareness. The world market effect the local markets such as the prices of petroleum products affects the market of all countries of the world. 

6. National Interest: 

Because of the study of this subject, people can know that "what they were and what they are and what they can be", Every person, every nation and every state has some objectives and achieve their resources and find their friends and enemies. 

7. Formation of Foreign Policy: 

The study of International relations is very important to form the foreign policy of a country. The formation of foreign policy of a country is a tedious process because it needs the deep understanding of future conditions and great vision.

8. Human rights: 

The provision of human rights is a global issue that is the main cause behind the revolutions such as Revolution (1789), American War of independence (1776). Now a days in many countries, the basic human rights are not provided to people because of that subject we get aware of public conditions of those countries. 

9. Study of International Organizations: 

The global organization and regional organization and states are the basic units of study of International relations. These organizations include United Nations, common wealth European Union, Arab League, SAARC etc. 

10. Study of International Laws: 

International laws comprises of its historical development, sources of International laws, subjects of International law, recognition and jurisdiction of states and governments, Law of treaties and Laws of war and peace. 

11.Study of Historical and Psychological Perspective of global relations:

The scholars of International relations have to study the historical and psychological perspective of global relations. To keep themselves abreast of current trends in International relations research, the scholars have to consult all professionals journals in the field such as "World Politics" The journal of conflict resolution.

12. Study of International theories and approaches: 

Study of International theories and approaches comprises of traditional, scientific and behavioral approaches of the study of International relations. There are many other theories with which the student of International relations has to deal. 

Global Issue: 

Many global issues are present in the current age such as atomic weapons, poverty, unemployment, factual diseases, nuclear war, gender discrimination and many more. This subject helps us to understand and solve their issues. 


To conclude, I can say that International Relations is the discipline that studies the International Relations between states and the importance of the study of this subject is shown, such as it helps in study of Global Village, International politics style, study of International economy, world market, national Interest and also in formation of foreign policy.

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