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How does hydration affect athletic performance?

Increase Athletic performance

Dehydration has a terrible impact on your muscles. Without water, they can't contract properly and you won't be able to perform to the level you'd like, while your muscles will struggle to repair themselves after a workout.

You also need to bear in mind that exercise causes you to lose water through sweat. This means you'll need to re hydrate regularly in order to keep your muscles working, regulate your body temperature and get your blood circulating as it should.

Exercise is also mentally harder if you don't stay hydrated, so your bottle of water will be your best friend when you sweat, you’re losing nutrients as well as water. If you’re exercising very intensively for a long time, such as a marathon, drinking only water may mean the nutrient levels in your blood become too diluted.

This can lead to a potentially dangerous condition known as hypothermia.
For this sort of exercise, consider a sports drink instead to ensure you're replenishing your electrolytes as well as your fluids.

How does hydration affect athletic performance? 

Sweating is the body's primary way of maintaining optimal body temperature (1). Consuming liquids replenishes the fluids lost during exercise. Restoring fluids maintains normal muscle function, helps prevent a decrease in physical performance and reduces the risk of heat stress (1).


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